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educator programming

Engaging educators from around the world in critical global issues while honing new skills.

cross-cultural & experiential education

After 30 years of running rugged international travel programs for high school, gap, and college students, we have learned lessons, developed strategies, and honed our systemsand we want to share all that we’ve learned with you.

Our travel based Educator Programs offer professional development for teachers on subjects such as experiential education, global issues, and language learning.

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Core Curriculum

Dragons Educator Courses are challenging and intimate experiences that push educators to discover a passion for experiential education, build new skills, explore travel ethics, and develop personal connections to issues of global significance. We offer training for participants in cross-cultural facilitation skills and share strategies and resources for designing a comprehensive course curriculum.


Develop practical skills for leading cross-cultural programs

Training modules include risk management, program and curriculum design, cross-cultural facilitation, and considerations for global community engagement. Sharpen your edge as an educator, and learn new skills to bring back to your classroom.

ACCESS & engagement

Authentically engage with communities and place

Deeply connect with local communities through unique, sustainable travel experiences in small, intimate cohorts. Expand your comfort zones with colleagues and build genuine relationships to people and place.


Explore topics of critical global significance

Through home-stays, visits with local organizations, and conversations with farmers, teachers, and youth leaders, immerse yourself in dynamic dialogue and rich perspectives led by experienced facilitators.