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A Glimpse Into the Homestay Experience

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Dragons HQ

Our homestay families are continuously eager to welcome the next group of Dragons into their homes. Our country coordinators and instructors spent time interviewing homestay families in China, Indonesia, and Guatemala. These interviews were conducted in Mandarin, Spanish, and Bahasa Indonesian, and we did our best to translate them faithfully.

Meet some of our homestay families who love hosting Dragons students!

Peter Zhu – China

What is your experience hosting Dragons students?
I have hosted about 30 Dragons students, most of them were semester students, a couple of them from Princeton Bridge year (a school partnership program).


What’s a favorite memory you have from hosting?
Most of the students were very interested and curious about Chinese cuisine, and I love to invite students to prepare Chinese dishes with me. One of my favorite memories is teaching the students how to play Chinese chess, and eventually losing to them, which shows that they really mastered the skills.

What is your advice for future students who might be interested in visiting your home community?
China is not what you think! The food, the people, and the day-to-day life is way different than what you watch on TV or the news. Come and see with your own eyes and we will show you our traditional wisdom, language, festivals, cooking, and our worship to nature.


Doña Jésus Andrea Hernández Gónzales – Guatemala

What is your experience hosting Dragons students?
Honestly, it has been a very beautiful experience for me and my family because, with each student who comes to my home, we share culturally about how they live, what their family is like in their country, and we talk about their goals and aspirations for the future. That inspires me to motivate my children to study because I tell them that the parents of the Dragons students are professionals, and I want that for my children. I still keep in touch with every student who has stayed with us, and some have even returned to visit with their parents and friends. For me personally, having Dragons students is a joy and an opportunity to break my routine and do different things. Going on outings with my Dragons Students, cooking more, exchanging stories and life experiences—these things make me happy.


What’s a favorite memory you have from hosting?
I feel very fortunate to share experiences with my students. I am grateful to Dragons because they support our family’s economy, and my experience with international students is about helping them get to know our culture and way of life. My favorite part is when the students leave our home feeling deeply grateful, sometimes even crying. That, to me, shows that I have done a good job, and it makes me feel very satisfied because it means that, as a family, we have done an excellent job. Seeing them return to visit us is the greatest gift—the beautiful bond of friendship and family that we create in these cultural exchange experiences.

What is your advice for future students who might be interested in visiting your home community?
My invitation to future Dragons students is to come to Guatemala and give themselves the opportunity to visit my community, San Juan La Laguna. It is a beautiful town full of kind people, where we still practice our traditions and beliefs. We love welcoming visitors and students. You will learn many beautiful things, and most of all, you will fall in love with Lake Atitlán.

Come to Guatemala, learn Spanish, and do live with us, is going to be and incredible experience!


Papi (Suprapti) – Indonesia three girls smiling and putting up peace signs

What is your experience hosting Dragons students?
Hosting Dragons students is amazing. I learn how they live back home and their story.

What’s a favorite memory you have from hosting?
I am so proud can host international students. My favorite experience was when the students surprised me on my birthday. They gave me a hug and said that I was their mom in Indonesia. They felt like they were home. I would be so happy to host another summer student.

What is your advice for future students who might be interested in visiting your home community?
Dragons shows more about real life and culture.


Nana – Indonesia

What is your experience hosting Dragons students?
This experience is so fun. We understand the different cultures better.

What’s a favorite memory you have from hosting?
All the family members are very excited to have Dragons students in our house. My favorite experience is when they are not feeling well, I will make Jamu (traditional herb), Kerokan (coin massage). Our family is very excited to host Dragons students this summer

What is your advice for future students who might be interested in visiting your home community?
Giving the students more experience with nature such as hiking, walking along the river, caving, and other natural places


Ami – Indonesia

What is your experience hosting Dragons students?
We are very happy because we can share a lot of things from environment to culture. We are impressed because of their critical thinking of young Americans. They said that USA is not always big and right. Instructors prepared them well so that the students can adapt with all situations and respect our family.

What’s a favorite memory you have from hosting?
In Islam terminology, God raised my family’s dignity because all the Dragons students make us proud.

What is your advice for future students who might be interested in visiting your home community?
Showing the students more culture, focusing on some issues, and watching traditional dances. InsyaAllah we are ready to host Dragons students this summer.

Interested in learning more about our homestays? Check out The WTBD Homestay Experience blog.

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