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Environmental and Social Justice Education While Abroad

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Kimberly Manning

While studying abroad, social justice education offers a unique opportunity for students to comprehend complex topics from a new perspective. In addition to curriculum covering social and environmental issues, students learn through everyday experiences and conversations. Engaging with communities, traveling responsibly, and participating in learning service projects can all influence the understanding of social injustices throughout the world.

Where There Be Dragons programs include global justice and climate change curriculum to support the journey for students to discover their role in the complex systems that influence these issues. Students are also encouraged to engage in the community to learn new perspectives and what it means to be a global citizen. 

Photo by Ella Williams, Andes & Amazon Semester.

Benefits of Social Justice Education Abroad 

Learn from Local Activists

The best way to learn about an impact a community is facing is by talking directly with those in the situation. Students are encouraged to engage with and learn from local activists. These individuals are typically active in their communities and vocal about issues that impact equity and justice in the world. Local advocates may offer a new or different perspective than students have been otherwise exposed to, which allows students to unravel their current assumptions of these global issues. 

Understand Privilege from a Global Perspective

It can be challenging to fully grasp a situation without having the perspective of how it impacts people all over the world. Social and environmental impacts vary greatly throughout the world, so responsible travel can alleviate some of the mystery behind the global impact of social, economic, and environmental issues.

Gain a Deep Understanding of Living Responsibly

Studying abroad offers a massive benefit to young adults as they are able to live and learn in a new way for a short period of time. This new vantage point of life can open someone’s eyes to their connection to materialism and consumerism. Students are able to see and experience different cultures and how they use resources, goods, and food. These experiences can help reshape the perspective of waste, energy usage, sustainability, and more.


Andes & Amazon program, photo by Lindsay Coe

Where There Be Dragons Environmental and Social Justice Commitment

Where There Be Dragons as an organization takes social and environmental responsibility very seriously. We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion on our staff, instructors, students, and partners. Additionally, we engage in projects and missions that include having a B Corp Certification, carbon offsetting, tuition funds, community grants, financial aid, and more. 

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