What We Offer
co-creating a more tolerant and inclusive global community
A WTBD Partnership is an experience in and of itself, connecting you with inspiring educators from around the world, and facilitating a dynamic process of growth and capacity building. Along the way, we provide specific, tangible services, and measurable results.
Our services
Each partnership is built from a unique combination of the below services defined in conversations during the Partnership Process and executed over an extended timeline. To get a better sense of what we’ll do together, explore below.
Student Programming
Immersive Travel Programs for High Schools and Universities
Develop customized and original student travel programs using our tried-and-true Collaborative Design Process. Our expert guides and long-standing in-country relationships offer participants unique, authentic access to global communities and help you create programs that foster leadership, empathetic learning, and communication skills.
Trainings & Workshops
Dynamic Professional Development for Teachers & Administrators
Expand your team’s global programming capabilities through dynamic One-Day Workshops and Weekend Retreats. Explore WTBD best practices and build your group’s capacity for effective leadership, facilitation, risk management, and program development through active learning activities and bold conversations.
Systems & Processes for Program Administration
Take your existing international programming and cross-cultural relationships to the next level by leveraging WTBD institutional experience in risk management, curriculum development, and program design. Our experts work with you to clarify goals, identify weaknesses, and improve systems directly related to your organization’s inter-cultural education needs.
Global Speaker Series
Dragons Instructors Teach Lessons on Critical Global Issues Free of Charge
Dragons annual global speaker series brings the voices of instructors from around the world into classrooms to introduce diverse perspectives, experience and expertise on critical global issues. Sessions run approximately 60 min and engage students in bold conversations, new ideas and meaningful reflection.