girl walking past prayer wheels
Photo by Rishi Bhandari, instructor.

Bhutan: Happiness in the Himalayas (2-Week Sample Itinerary)

  • Days 1 - 5
    We arrive on a group flight transferring either through Thailand or India to touch down in Bhutan. Our journey starts in the capital of Thimpu, the most bustling population center in what remains a largely rural and sparsely populated landscape. Here we visit sacred Buddhist monuments containing over 125,000 relics, stroll through farmer’s markets trading traditional crafts and produce, and meet with local experts in conservation, religion, and politics. Thimpu is a vibrant homebase for our first days in Bhutan as it serves as the cultural and political center of the kingdom.
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  • Days 5 - 9
    From Thimpu, we drive through the high passes to Punakha noticing how the roads naturally meander around around the mountains rather than tunneling through them which is a result of the Bhutanese belief that the landscapes are inhibited by spirits who deserve to exist undisturbed by human development. Here we visit the sacred meditation caves along the Dochula Pass and volunteer with a community project working to plant tree saplings in the mountainside. We’ll hike to a mountain monastery crossing over Bhutan’s longest suspension bridge.
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  • Days 9 - 12
    We embark on a series of short day treks to Buddhist monasteries where we have the opportunity to sit in meditation with the local monks and nuns. We’ll also have the chance to meet with various conservation groups, such as the Black Necked Crane Center, to learn more about how Bhutanese people are coping with the impacts of climate change and working to preserve their local flora and fauna. Transferring to the town of Paro, we’ll hike to the most photographed monasteries in the Himalayas: Taktsang (Tiger's Nest) Monastery, one of the most iconic landmarks in Bhutan, located on a cliff overlooking the Paro Valley.
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  • Days 12 - 14
    Our time ends with a group retreat outside of Thimpu to reflect on our many experiences over our short but rich time traveling through this enchanted and complex Himalayan kingdom. We return home with a more expansive understanding of our own relationships to happiness and our human and natural communities.
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