High School Summer Abroad in Cambodia

Cambodia: Ancient and Emergent

Day 1-3 Upon arrival, we retreat to the tranquil grounds of Meta Karuna Reflection Centre on the outskirts of Siem Reap and the renowned Angkor Wat temple complex. Here we orient ourselves to the course goals and lay the foundation of our intentions and expectations. We venture into the ancient temples of Angkor Wat, a source of inspiration and national pride to all Khmers. Participants spend time exploring the extravagant beauty of Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and the Bayon temples, stopping frequently to sip on coconuts and take in the medieval landscapes.

Day 4-6 From Siem Reap we move onto Phnom Penh. Here we focus on meeting with Earth Rights International and WaterShed to learn about the negative impact of hydropower dams and current Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) initiatives in Cambodia. We visit the S21 genocide museum and the Killing Fields, taking our time to walk through the torture chambers and mass graves, listening to the stories from survivors and perpetrators through the audio tour.

Day 7-10 We move onto the homestay portion of the course, where we live with local families in traditional Khmer homes and surrender to the daily routine of the island of Koah Ksach Tonlea. Life on the island revolves around the sun and the seasons and depends wholly upon the bounty of the earth.  In the mornings, the group gathers for lessons about international aid and development, restorative justice, and privilege systems. In the afternoons, we learn about local history, the Khmer Rouge, women and gender roles. During this time, participants work on their independent study projects (ISPs), interviewing locals about topics that interested them.

Day 11-12 Finally, we travel south to the quiet of Rabbit Island, where once again we hunker down and begin to say goodbye to Cambodia. On Rabbit Island we distill the lessons still circulating within us, express gratitude for the friendships and connections made along the way and prepare for the next journey awaiting us at home. Transference offers time for self-reflection and celebration as the participant experience comes full-circle.