Este (they, them)

B.A. in Anthropology & Latin American Studies, Honours – University of Toronto
International Studies Diploma – Sciences Po Paris
Este is the youngest of three children born to a crafty artisan who turned primary school teacher and then
union leader during the civil war in Guatemala. They grew up playing in the alleys and ravines of zone 19
of Guatemala City until being forced to move to Canada as a political refugee in the mid ’90s.
Navigating life between genocide and political unrest in Guatemala, as well as settler colonialism and
rampant capitalism across Turtle Island, Este became painfully aware of power, privilege and oppression
at an early age. They are passionate about unpacking systems of oppression and has dedicated their
personal and professional endeavors to developing tools for transformative learning and community
Having spent the last decade back and forth along the return trail towards Mesoamerica, Este has
collected along the way a wealth of experience working in international cooperation, grassroots solidarity,
social and environmental justice.
Former refugee turned community organizer and then urban farmer, Este is currently based in Guatemala
city and works for a cross-border human rights solidarity network. Providing and coordinating international
human rights accompaniment, Este works in support of human rights leaders and communities in
peaceful resistance to affirm and exercise their rights and the defense of their territories.