Samba Sow

BA Phonetics and Languages (French, English, and Pulaar), Cheikh Anta Diop University
Samba Sow was born and grew up in rural southern Senegal, where he attended primary school and junior high. He moved from the village to Dakar to complete high school and attend university, obtaining a joint degree in Phonetics and Languages at Senegal’s Cheikh Anta Diop University.
Samba served as a supervisor for CADRE, an education and development NGO and taught French and English for private school after graduating from university. In 1998 he became a language and cross-cultural trainer for the US Peace Corps. At Peace Corps he worked as a language trainer, teaching French and Pulaar before being promoted to worked as a Cross-Cultural Coordinator. In 2004 Samba immigrated to the US, where he has taught English as a Second Language classes for interested staff at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.
Samba is very interested in cultural differences and similarities, is passionate about futbol/soccer, likes to make people laugh and have fun and loves telling proverbs. Samba is married and his wife is his best friend.