Admin Team

Dragons international programming is supported by a staff of veteran guides and program directors, risk managers and curriculum developers.

Our senior administrative staff have over 80 years of combined experience with Dragons, on top of their experience with other educational and international organizations. Likewise, the great majority of our administrative team has either instructed in the field for Dragons or been a Dragons student (or both). All members of our team thus understand firsthand the work and intention that go into creating profound cross-cultural learning experiences.

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Programming Team

Aaron Slosberg

Director of Programming

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Angelica Calabrese

Bridge Year Program Director & Manager

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Beth Eanelli

Staffing Director

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Tindy (Haoting) Chen

China Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Christine Randall

Partnership Program Coordinator

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Christy Sommers

Training & Curriculum Director

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David Haffeman

Risk Management Director

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Hector "Teto" Morales

Guatemala Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Henry Van Damme

Bridge Year & Tufts Program Director

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Juan Diego Saavedra


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Kevin Porter

Partnership Program Director

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Kristen Gianaris

Morocco Program Director

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Lauren Gilhuly

Partnership Program Coordinator

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Luis Reyes Escate

Latin America Program Director

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Lutfi Handayani

Indonesia Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Noya Huang

Taiwan Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Seavyi Yonn

Cambodia Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Shanti Magar

Nepal Country Coordinator & Instructor

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Shuier Zhang

Asia Program Director

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Operations Team

Alex Biddle

Outreach Manager

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Amina Simon

Admissions Director

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Annika Ruben

Outreach Coordinator & Instructor

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Becca Hart

Admissions Associate

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Cara Lane-Toomey

Director of Operations

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Eva Vanek

Marketing and Outreach Director

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Graciela Rodriguez Carmona

Admissions Associate

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Jen Goings

Art Director

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Maddie Melton

Outreach Coordinator & Instructor

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Madeleine Colvin

Outreach Coordinator & Instructor

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Maya Mashkuri

Marketing Associate

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Nick Gredin

Admissions Associate & Instructor

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Paul Dreyer

Strategic Associate

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Reed Harwood

Executive Director

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Shannon Harriman

Adult Programming

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Shannon O'Kane

Business Manager

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Simon Hart

Director of Strategic Partnerships

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