Yingzhao Liu

Yingzhao Liu is native to mainland China, and came to the U.S. at age 18 to pursue an education. She is a past Dragons China director, restarting the program after SARS and leading summer and semester programs. Yingzhao enjoys sharing her bilingual and bicultural knowledge with others, showing them a China beyond its superficial layers to the complexities and contradictions within.
Yingzhao leads interaction design efforts for emerging markets at LinkedIn, empowering the world’s professionals with greater opportunity. At a young age she had envisioned a world without borders, and is constantly inspired by the next generation of global citizens and their ability to bring about that future.
She has traveled to five continents and 30 countries, always affirmed by people’s relationship with the environment they live in – their creativity and spirituality in everyday life. Yingzhao resides in both the hotbed of innovation that is Silicon Valley, and a zen temple. She is guided by Einstein’s wisdom in facing the challenges of our world: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”